How would you sum up your life in one line?
If I could sum up my life in one line I would die of embarrassment.

What happens if you get 'scared half to death' twice?
That is called half-life. You can never die if you are only scared half to death from your current alive level. It's kind of like if I told you to stand 10 feet from a wall then asked you to move half way towards it, you would now be 5 feet towards the wall. I tell you to move half way towards again then you would be 2.5 feet towards the wall. You're just cutting the distance in half and not going the full distance even at micron level. 

If you write a book about failure and it doesn't sell, is it called a success?
Yes, success in writing a book about failure which failed to sell. *Mindblown

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the other drown too?
Actually, when a synchronized swimmer drowns, they un-drown because they are in sync with all the other swimmers, who are not drowned.

If you save time, when do you get it back?
I don't really know.

Why do they call it quicksand when it sucks you down slowly?
It kills you a lot quicker than regular sand, that's for sure.

How do you lose 50 pounds in a month?
Amputation. You don't need arms and legs anyway. 

Why do I feel I have butterflies in my stomach?
Maybe because you ate a caterpillar.